The Institute of Malay Civilization (IPM) began operating on 1 December 2001 after being approved by the Senate on 11 June 2001. IPM is a research center on the fields of Malay civilization.

In general, civilization is interpreted as a large field consisting of language, literature, culture and heritage. In fact, the concept of civilization is broader than the combination of these four areas. One thing that cannot be denied is that culture is a very important element of civilization. Since IPM is defined as an institution that focuses on Malay civilization, it will stand as a Reference Center for Faculty scholars at UPSI when they conduct research.

The establishment of this Institute, in addition to honoring Reverend Za’ba, can also emphasize the importance of the public’s understanding, both scholars and ordinary people, about what is meant by Malay Civilization, the course of the Malay understanding which is the focus of studies and research, development sociology that occurs today, and efforts in the construction of morals, ethics and science.

On 2 December 2021, referring to the University Management Committee Meeting (JKPU) No. 19 of 2021, the University has agreed to a new structure which is the National Museum of Education (MPN) after the merger with the Institute of Malay Civilization (IPM) which takes effect on 1 January 2022. With the merger this, it can empower the field of Malay civilization through post-graduate studies, research, publishing, consulting and museums as well as become a global reference center in the field of Malay civilization and become a hub in organizing activities related to Malay civilization and museums.